How to Add a Vignette to a Photograph with GIMP

Are you looking to add a touch of drama or focus to your photographs? One quick and effective way to do so is by adding a vignette effect. A vignette is a popular editing technique that involves darkening the edges of a photo to draw the viewer’s attention to the center of the image. In this tutorial, we will show you how to add a vignette to a photograph using GIMP, a free and powerful photo editing software.

Step 1: Open Your Image in GIMP

Start by opening your desired image in GIMP. You can do this by going to File > Open and selecting the image file from your computer.

Step 2: Select the Ellipse Tool

Next, select the Ellipse Tool from the toolbox on the left side of the screen. You can also press Shift + E as a shortcut.

Step 3: Draw a Circular Selection

Click and drag on your image to create a circular selection that covers the area you want to keep bright. Make sure the center of the circle aligns with the focal point of your image.

Step 4: Feather the Selection

Go to Select > Feather and choose a feather radius that suits the size of your image. This will soften the edges of your selection to create a smooth transition for the vignette effect.

Step 5: Invert the Selection

Go to Select > Invert to invert the selection. Now, the outer edges of your image are selected.

Step 6: Apply the Vignette Effect

Go to Colors > Brightness-Contrast and decrease the brightness and increase the contrast to darken the edges of your image. Play around with the settings until you achieve the desired look.

Adding a vignette to your photograph can help create a more professional and visually appealing image. With GIMP’s user-friendly tools and features, you can easily elevate your photos and make them stand out. So, give this technique a try and take your photography skills to the next level!